With the release of 24.02 CareAR tenant administrators can further enhance the capabilities of AWS S3 video recordings of their end users by enabling optional playback functionality within the CareAR Web Portal. To enable this feature does require the AWS S3 integration account used for the integration requires additionally read access to the storage location.
Once enabled CareAR users viewing session activity from the CareAR Web Portal will be able to view (not download) past session recordings.
Note: if you would not like to permit CareAR read access to your AWS S3 bucket, you can follow these instructions.
The configuration is an enhancement on top of the base configuration of the AWS S3 Recording integration. See CareAR Assist Recording Configuration (with AWS S3 bucket) for more details around configuring the base configuration.
AWS Integration User Change
The existing AWS configuration will need both READ and FETCH access to the AWS S3 integration account in order to have access to playback the video to the end user. To accomplish this will require adding s3:GetObject permission to the integration user.
IMPORTANT: As the CareAR integration account would have Read and Write access with this configuration to this S3 bucket resource this bucket resource should be isolated from your other files for best security practices (minimizing access).
The following AWS policy will need to be attached to your AWS integration user by your AWS admin:
2 "Version": "2012-10-17",
3 "Statement": [
4 {
5 "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
6 "Effect": "Allow",
7 "Action": [
8 "s3:PutObject"
9 “s3:GetObject”
10 ],
11 "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::your-bucket-name-here/*"
12 }
13 ]
Once S3 is configured correctly, the tenant admin will need to enable permission in the Connect Center of the Admin Portal.
CareAR Admin Portal Change
- As a tenant administrator log into the CareAR Admin Portal (https://carear.app/#/admin)
- Select ‘Connectors’ on the left side menu
- Open the Amazon S3 connector section
- Enable the check box option, Enable Playback in Portal
- Enable the check box option, Enable Playback in Portal
- Click Save
Once enabled, a tenant user can click on a recording link in Analytics > Session Activity for playback of the video within the Web Portal.