Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
Personally Identifiable Information (PII), or personal data, is data that corresponds to a single person. PII might be a phone number, national ID number, email address, or any data that can be used, either on its own or with any other information, to contact, identify, or locate a person.
- How PII is determined
In response to businesses collecting and storing more and more individuals’ PII (also known as personal data), individuals and regulators have been applying greater scrutiny to how businesses use and safeguard that data. As a result, various jurisdictions have passed legislation to limit the use, distribution, and accessibility of PII, while allowing companies who need it to manage the data safely.
As PII (or personal data) is a legal concept rather than a technical concept, legislation around PII varies across different jurisdictions. The GDPR in the European Union, HIPAA and PCI in the United States, state laws like CalOPPA and other data breach laws, and other regulations control what defines PII. Which data is classified as PII may also differ by use case. For instance, depending on the jurisdiction or your use case, IP addresses may or may not be considered PII.
- What CareAR considers PII
For a detailed list of what PII CareAR collects, see the CareAR Trust page under the section What We Collect.
- How CareAR manages PII
CareAR takes the management of our customers’ information seriously. We have software, configurations, processes, and guidelines for managing data internally to keep your data safe and secure.
To learn more about the security and privacy controls measures CareAR implemented, see this page.