This article is intended to enable ServiceNow Certification Engineers and Technical Support members to assign and launch CareAR Experiences from Work Order Task type records.
- CareAR ServiceNow Plugins 23.02 and above installed along with the CareAR Spoke, see CareAR Installation for ServiceNow – CareAR
- ServiceNow User Account must have the following role assigned to access the Experiences Table.
- x_care3_spoke.instruct_experiences_user
How to Use
- Log into ServiceNow
- Open the Desired Work Order Task
- A CareAR Instruct Experience field will be visible within the Work Order Task Layout, search and select the desired Experience to assign the Experience to the Work Order Task.
- Select ‘Update’
- A CareAR Instruct Button will now be available within the Work Order Task. Selecting this button will launch the desired CareAR Instruct Experience.
- When assigned, field agents using the ServiceNow Agent mobile application will have a CareAR Instruct button available to them. Selecting the CareAR Instruct Button will launch the desired Experience.
Form Data
Form submission data is saved to the work order task activity feed. For the form submission event to be saved to the activity feed the following conditions must exist:
· Experience contains a properly configured form with “Save to Session Activity” enabled
· Experience is assigned to the work order task
· Experience is launched from the work order task
When the user submits the form with their responses, the submission results will be saved to the activity feed.
Camera Capture
Camera capture snapshots are saved to the work order task activity feed. For the camera capture snapshot event to be saved to the activity feed, the following conditions must exist:
· Experience contains a properly configured camera capture, action with “Save to Session Activity” enabled
· Experience is assigned to the work order task
· Experience is launched from the work order task
When the user sends the snapshots, the images will be saved to the activity feed.
Visual Verification Data
Visual verification data is saved to the work order task activity feed. For the visual verification event to be saved to the activity feed, the following conditions must exist:
· Experience contains a properly configured visual verification action
· Experience is assigned to the work order task
· Experience is launched from the work order task
When the user reaches the visual verification action, the results will be saved to the activity feed of the originating work order task. The activity feed will include the following:
· Text details regarding the visual verification
· Image snapshot of the image.