Release 23.04 of the CareAR Platform delivers the following:
- CareAR app support
- Instruct
- Experience Access Control
- Instruct Analytics
- i3D Page Update
- Camera Capture Webhook
CareAR Mobile App Support
With this release the CareAR platform contains support for the new CareAR mobile app! The new CareAR mobile app combines the capabilities of CareAR Assist and CareAR Instruct into the same mobile app. Users logged into the CareAR mobile app will be able to conduct live remote AR Assist sessions and access Instruct Experiences from a single app!
New Features in the CareAR Mobile App
- New Home Screen – The new home screen lets you quick choose between Assist and Instruction functionalities.
- Bottom Tray Navigation- The bottom tray has been reorganized to incorporate the new capabilities and quick access to contacts for Assist, experiences for Instruct, and history for previous Assist and Instruct activities.
- Contacts – Contacts lets you see other users in your CareAR tenant allowing you to send an Assist invitation quickly and easily. You can filter your view of contacts between Favorites and All. You can also search for a specific user.
- Experiences – Experiences lets you view all available experiences within your tenant and open them with a single tap. You use the search feature to find a specific experience. You can also filter your view between favorites and all available experiences. NOTE: You will only be able to see experiences that you have permission to view.
- History – Formerly named “Recents”, History lets you see a combined view of your Assist and Instruct sessions. You can also filter your view between Assist and Instruct.
- Instruct Support – You can now view experiences directly within the new CareAR app. You no longer need to use the separate Instruct app.
- Access Control – The CareAR app supports the new experience access control feature (see below) allowing you to restrict access to experiences to only specific users.
Menu - The hamburger menu has been modified and simplified for ease of use.
How to get the CareAR app?
Users that already have the CareAR Assist mobile app will simply need to update their app from the Apple App Store or Google Play store. The app name will change from “CareAR Assist” to “CareAR”. For other users, they simply need download the CareAR app from the app store.
How to open experiences with CareAR app instead of Instruct app?
You will need to submit a request to CareAR Support team ( to configure your tenant to use the new CareAR app instead of CareAR Instruct to open experiences. If you are already using CareAR Instruct, we recommend having brief call with our Customer Success team to plan a proper migration with your users.
Experience Access Control
You can now control who has access to Instruct experiences within your tenant. With access control, you can specify if an experience is publicly accessible or if a user must be logged in to view the experience.
To access these settings, go to the experience detail page by clicking on the experience from the experience listing in the admin portal. To view details, go to Admin portal -> Experience Builder then click on the experience you want to change settings on. Under the section Access Permissions, you can adjust who can access the experience.
- Public – Anyone with the link or QR code can view the experience
- Private – Only users with an account in the CareAR tenant who are also logged in can view the experience
- Groups – Only logged in users who are a member of the group specified can view the experience. NOTE: There is an “All Users” selection which will allow any logged in user to view the experience
To access an experience that is set to Private, a user must login with their CareAR credentials. If the logged in user is a member of the group set to the experience, they will be able to view it. If they are not a member of the assigned group, they will receive an access denied message.
To view Private experiences, users must use the new CareAR app or the Instruct web app via browser. Note that the Instruct native app only works with Public experiences and will not work with Private experiences. Contact CareAR Support ( to enable your tenant to use the new CareAR app for experiences and to use the experience access control feature.
Instruct Analytics
You can now monitor usage analytics of your Instruct Experiences. From the admin portal simply go to Analytics -> Instruct. You will be able to view several reports regarding the Instruct usage within your tenant.
The Instruct Analytics page allows you to choose the date range for viewing the analytics information. This includes preset filters for 7 days, 30 days, and 12 months in addition to custom date range. Based on the selected date range the dashboard will provide reports on the following information:
- Total sessions
- Top 5 / Top 10 experiences
- Number of views per experience
- Average time per experience
- Minimum time
- Maximum time
- User type (Guests, Users)
Important Note: To view data in the dashboard it requires a supported Instruct client app. The supported apps include:
- Instruct Web App 23.03 or newer
- Instruct mobile app 23.03 or newer
- CareAR app 23.03 or newer
If older client apps are used the session may not appear or may not contain complete information when viewed in the analytics page.
i3D Page Update
We’ve made several updates to the i3D page for performance and model rendering appearance. These updates should reduce the time needed to initialize the 3D page resulting faster load times. Additionally, we’ve improved the lighting effects for 3D models giving them a better appearance.
Known Issue: On some occasions, models that used the Set Default View feature prior to the release of 23.04, may need to have the default view reset as the camera position could be from the intended position.
Camera Capture Webhook
We’ve added a new option in the Camera Capture options. In addition to Webhook JSON, there is now a Webhook form-data option. This will post the camera capture data as form data to the endpoint address including the image file.