Release 23.05 of the CareAR Platform delivers the following:
- Instruct Experience Report
- Authenticated users do not consume sessions
Instruct Experience Report
The Instruct Experience Dashboard delivers comprehensive insights into the performance of specific experiences. Gain valuable understanding of user engagement by tracking experience access frequency, identifying popular pages, analyzing page dwell times, and reviewing session details. This data empowers you to optimize the experience for improved user satisfaction and engagement.
- To view an Experience Dashboard login to the Admin portal and click on Analytics > Instruct.
- From the Instruct Analytics Dashboard and look in the experience table report. Click on the row for the experience you’re interested in viewing to open the Experience Dashboard for that experience.
Session Report
The session report provides insights into user engagement and usage patterns of the experience. It allows you to track the frequency of experience access and view a comprehensive list of sessions within the specified time frame. The session report is divided into two sections: the session trend and the session table.
Session Trend
The session trend displays the sessions over the selected time frame.
- Total Sessions – The total number of sessions of the experience over the selected time range.
- Session Trend – The increase or decline in sessions of the current selected time range compared to the proceeding selected time range.
- Session Chart – The chart reflects the usage over time to show usage peaks over the selected time range.
Session Table
The session table presents a detailed list of all sessions that occurred within the specified time frame. Each session entry can be individually sorted by any of the listed columns. Additionally, a search bar at the top of the table allows you to filter the displayed sessions based on specific keywords. Clicking on a single session entry will launch the corresponding Instruct Session Report.
Page View Report
The page view report offers valuable insights into the usage patterns of individual pages within the experience. It enables you to analyze both the frequency of page access and the average time users spend on each page. This information proves crucial for refining the content of your experience and identifying which pages resonate most with your audience.
Average Time on Page
The Average time on page tells you the average time spent on all pages during the selected time range.
Page View / Time on Page
This bar graph effectively visualizes page usage patterns within the experience. Each bar represents a specific page, with its height indicating the total number of views it has received during the selected time range. The corresponding horizontal position of the bar represents the average time spent on that page. Hovering over a bar will reveal more detailed information about that page's usage.
Authenticated users do not consume sessions
CareAR users who are logged in with their credentials can access Instruct experiences without consuming an Instruct session license. This is because viewing Instruct experiences is included as part of the CareAR user license. However, anonymous users who do not have a CareAR user account will consume an Instruct session license when using an Instruct experience.