CareAR Instruct is an app used to provide step-by-step instructions for users to self-servethrough visual guidance. Instruct content can include Augmented Reality, i3D, and 2D content consisting of text, images, and video. CareAR Instruct content is produced with the help of CareAR professional services team.
Overview of Release 22.02
Release 22.02 of CareAR Instructdelivers the following:
- Interactive 3D (i3D)
- Card Menu Page Templates
- WebView for Search Content
- Content Loading Tutorial
- Experience Content Updater
- Usability Improvements
New Features
The CareAR Instruct app now supports Interactive 3D content. As an option to AR Overlay, Instruct experiences can now be created with interactive (i3D) content. Interactive 3D content is supported in object tour as well as instruction content.
Instruct experiences can now be created using card menu template. This template consists of a menu of card buttons that can be used to organize content or provide additional navigation to Instruct experience content. Each card button can consist of an icon, text headline, and text description.
Article content found in Intelligent Search now opens within a Web View inside of the Instruct app. This allows users to stay within the Instruct app even when opening other content discovered through search. The user has the option to open the content in the device’s default browser if they do not want to use the Web View. Additionally, the web view can be used to open other external web sites.
When users are downloading the Instruct experience, they are now treated to information about Instruct usage. This allows users to better understand how to use Instruct once the content loads.
When new versions of Instruct experiences are available, users get a notification from the content menu with the option to simply tap to download the new content. This ensures the user can always get the latest updates.
Increased Hotspot Visibility
Hotspots now have a pulsing animation increasing visibility. This makes the hotspot stand out from the object making it more visible to the user.
Increased Nav Bar Visibility
The bottom nav bar now includes a highlight that shows which nav bar item the user is currently on. This improves visibility so the user know which item is selected.
Active Cursor on Search Input
When performing a search, the cursor now appears in the search input field.
Instructions Swipe Up/Down Arrows
In instruction content the content window now has a swipe up and down arrow. This makes it more clear to the user they can maximize or minimize the instruction content window.
Search Related Error Messages
Several user-friendly error messages are now presented to the user when error conditions occur when using search.